
Scripture Memory Made Easy is unavailable, but you can change that!

Learn how to memorize Scripture with this handy reference guide. Provides a step-by-step plan for memorizing one hundred Scripture verses in a year. Suggested verses share a common theme such as "God's plan of salvation" or "Jesus' six 'I am's.'" Perfect for Christian parents, Sunday school teachers, or anyone who wants to "hide God's word" in his heart. • Understand more of God's Word • Be...

Your goal in memorizing Scripture is to become more and more like Jesus. Keep this goal in mind for it is quite possible to memorize dozens of Bible verses and yet receive little or no spiritual benefit. The Sadducees in Jesus’ day probably knew the Scriptures (our Old Testament) better than nearly all Christians today. But Jesus told them: “ ‘You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God’ ” Matthew 22:29. They knew the words of the
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